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New in Solu: support for Oxford Nanopore reads (experimental)

Sep 4, 2024

Exciting news for Oxford Nanopore users: Solu Platform now supports ONT reads in FASTQ format!

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 17.27.58.png

The platform employs the Dragonflye pipeline for long-read assembly, utilizing Flye for assembly and Racon for polishing. Once the assembly is complete, our pipeline performs all standard analyses, just like with Illumina or genome uploads. The assembly takes 5 to 45 minutes for a typical sample.

Experimental feature

Solu's ONT assembly is available to all workspaces, but it remains sensitive to certain inputs. We're actively developing more fine-tuned, context-aware assembly parameters to improve accuracy across a wide range of ONT devices and basecallers—without sacrificing speed. Until then, we've labeled this feature as experimental on the platform. Users should treat results accordingly. As always, we eagerly welcome your feedback!

New in Solu: fungal species coverage, detect plasmid-borne AMR genes

Aug 23,2024

Species ID coverage for over 7,000 fungi

We made a massive expansion to our species ID database. The platform now detects over 7,000 fungal organisms – every species that has a reference genome in NCBI Datasets.

AMR genes are classified as chromosomal or plasmid-borne

The AMR table now shows whether each gene is located in a plasmid or in the chromosome.